Bloggers, review writers, and marketing teams have long been excited about AI’s potential to help them research and produce timely, informative content. In fact, some of the first publicly available AI-tools to gain widespread attention were text generators such as ChatGPT. As soon as it hit technology headlines, text generation software looked set to make significant waves throughout the content creation world.
Now, AI-enabled content creation tools are increasingly designed to target specific niches and to fulfil particular needs of different website owners. In just a matter of months, developers have gone from releasing broad-spectrum text generators that attempt responses to practically any textual prompt, to more industry-specific tools that incorporate a more refined set of functions. can be said to belong to this latter tribe. It’s a content creation plug-in, designed to be used alongside the internet’s most popular website development platform, WordPress. It’s primary function is to generate detailed, SEO friendly product reviews, product comparison articles, and other product-oriented copy, by drawing data from Amazon and other e-commerce websites.
Today, we’ll be taking a closer look at some of its core features, thinking about who it can benefit the most, and balancing some of its advantages and drawbacks.
Who are the makers of Gizzmo?
CEO and founder Dror Bengal brings more than 20 years’ experience in managing online companies, whilst his co-founder and CTO, Roy Zoaretz, comes from an extensive programming background rooted in various coding languages, algorithms, and machine learning approaches.
Together with the rest of the Gizzmo team, their self-proclaimed mission is to become ‘the go-to platform for Ai-powered content creation’, helping to bring about ‘a future where content creation is seamless, efficient, and tailored to your unique needs’.
Who is Gizzmo designed for?
Despite the slightly vague company mission statement, Gizzmo is actually designed for a relatively specific set of content creators and website owners.
At the top of the list of who is likely to benefit most from Gizzmo’s functions are bloggers and content creators who run Amazon-affiliate link websites.
In a nutshell, these are websites that provide information relating to particular products or industries, along with links that take you to Amazon product pages. The sites can generate revenue via purchases you make after following these links.
Bloggers and writers of various types might find some useful tools in the Gizzmo toolkit, but the real stand-out features here are the software’s ability to draw together detailed reviews on a range of products, as well as insert Amazon affiliate links and images into the articles.
What are the core features of Gizzmo?
One core aim of is to create SEO-friendly copy that can help boost your site in search engine rankings.
Another is to generate original, detailed product reviews and articles by drawing on a range of e-commerce data, signposted by you.
After installing the Gizzmo WordPress plug-in and enabling it in your browser, you can browse through Amazon products and ‘add’ them to a Gizzmo product list. From this list, you can then generate product round-ups, comparing up to 10 different products at once, or you can generate individual product reviews.
Gizzmo also comes with focused keyword integration, meaning SEO-savvy bloggers can instruct it to insert certain keywords into the reviews it generates. The software also boasts plenty of other search optimization features, including its Automated Schema Builder.
Schema, also referred to as structured data, essentially refers to code that tells search engines what certain pieces of data mean. This makes it easier for search engines to recognise types of numbers and help codify your website in ways that can help it appear higher on potential readers’ search results.
Another helpful core feature of Gizzmo is its ability to seamlessly insert various affiliate links into the articles it creates, including a range of attractive ‘Product Carousels’. Gizzmo pulls publicly available images of the products you ask it to generate content for, as well as images of related products that might interest your readers.
When installing the Gizzmo plug-in, your own Amazon affiliate tag or ID is used, ensuring that every link the software inserts into its generated articles is a potential revenue source.
Of course, as with any respectable AI-enabled content creator, you have full human control of the final copy and layout. Once an article, review, or blog post is generated, it gets sent to your WordPress list of posts, allowing you to edit, rearrange, or shape the piece in the same way you would any other before choosing to publish it to the site.
What are the advantages of Gizzmo?
Anyone who has tried to make money from Amazon affiliate sites that rely on product reviews and comparisons knows the time and effort required to produce well-researched, informative content. The speed with which Gizzmo can draw such product information together and produce professional looking, detail-oriented copy, complete with appropriate images, SEO-friendly writing, and inserted affiliate links, is undoubtedly impressive.
For those who see product review writing simply as a way of generating revenue via ad-clicks, Gizzmo is likely to be an attractive tool.
Furthermore, its WordPress plug-in format allows it to slot seamlessly into your existing WordPress workflow. Its core features are intuitive and unobtrusive, with most experienced WordPress users being able to generate original content in a matter of minutes.
Finally, for those who find search engine optimization head-ache inducing and confusing, not to mention schema and data structures, Gizzmo does a lot of the hard-work for you.
What are the disadvantages of Gizzmo?
The fact that it’s a WordPress plug-in is a bit of a double-edged sword. For those who don’t use WordPress and don’t wish to go to the effort of getting to grips with a new content management system, Gizzmo isn’t really for you.
Furthermore, although it’s unclear whether an Amazon affiliate ID is strictly needed in order for you to use Gizzmo, having one is really a prerequisite for reaping the software’s greatest rewards. Again, despite the company’s broad mission to streamline content creation across the board, this really is a tool designed for Amazon affiliate site owners.
Finally, and potentially most problematically, the reviews that Gizzmo tends to generate are peppered with first-person pronouns. In other words, they talk about how ‘I found this TV monitor to be exceptionally high-quality’ and ‘When I tested the camera out at night, the picture quality was great’.
Conscientious bloggers and content creators shouldn’t be making claims to have personally tested products that they’ve never held in their hands. Whilst online research is the primary (and often only) way that product reviewers actually get information on the gear they are reviewing, it seems that Gizzmo implicitly encourages time-conscious bloggers and content creators to misrepresent and even lie about their experience with certain products.
In other words, use this as a research tool, rather than a complete article generator. If you care about your audience, don’t let Gizzmo fill your blog with unethical posts that wrongly suggest you’ve personally lab-tested a range of consumer products.
What alternatives are there to Gizzmo?
Gizzmo is trying to position itself as cutting-edge software in an already crowded market. Although the Amazon affiliate link automation and WordPress functionality are praiseworthy, there are a number of other AI-enabled content generators designed to help product reviewers and bloggers monetize their posts. Many of these advertise SEO-friendly tools.
Writers who are curious to check out the competition might look at ArticleForge,, Autowrite, and Texta, to name just a few.
There are, of course, also popular text generators that are less SEO-savvy and more broadly applicable, many of which can also be used to help research and write product reviews and blogs. ChatGPT is the most widely known, but Jasper is also a popular choice for brand designers and marketing teams.
How much does Gizzmo cost?
Gizzmo has a range of subscription packages that increase in price depending on how many articles you wish to generate a month.
A 3 article trial costs only $1.
Subscriptions extend to $84.99 a month for 50 articles. Their mid-range ‘Builder’ package gives you 15 articles a month for a $29.99 subscription price.
Gizzmo Review in a Nutshell
I’ve been using Gizzmo for about a month now and I can honestly say I like it a lot. It’s definitely not perfect. I don’t like the featured image that Gizzmo selects, for example. But it’s not a big deal to choose a different image manually. I also think the review posts that Gizzmo creates are a bit thin on content. But I beef up my posts with additional content from ChatGPT.
Gizzmo does make the process of creating Amazon product review posts much simpler than without it. I would say that it cut my review post creation time down about 75%. I plan to keep using it for the foreseeable future.